We are so pleased to announce to you our name change to Counter-Col Network!

Why the change?

Definition of Col:

“The lowest point of a ridge between two peaks, typically providing a pass from one side of a mountain range to another.

oxford dictionary

As we help more of you, our role has become even clearer.

We aim to Counter the negative experiences faced by many black women and through the Col, connect you to the side of success, healing and wellbeing.

Our sole purpose is to equip, support and empower black women to excel in the workplace and be strategically confident in dealing with all the issues that so often arise.

As a reminder, as well as providing a comprehensive resource hub, our network also partners with several organisations to offer and promote support services such as coachingmentoring, counselling and psychotherapy, training and legal services.

Other than our name, nothing else has changed. We are, and will continue to be here to support you on your working life journey.

We’ve changed our name!