Mentor /ˈmɛntɔː/ – an experienced and trusted advisor. A positive guiding influence. 

The saying, “when the student is ready to learn, the teacher will appear” truly encompasses the concept of mentoring. A mentor helps someone to learn and develop faster than they would otherwise do on their own.  There must be a desire to learn on the part of the mentee and a desire to teach on the part of the mentor.  The goal of this relationship is typically one of personal or professional development. 

At CCN, we will work to build relationships with partners who we trust in this space.  We will signpost you to the partner that we feel will be the best fit for your needs and CCN will check in with you for feedback at the end of an agreed period of time. 

Who can benefit from mentoring?   

The answer is anyone who is willing to learn. Anyone – from apprenticeship to retirement – who feels like they need a guide by their side, to walk with them through the next stage of their career.  We and our trusted partners, are here to assist you to the next level.  

Read our blog on How mentors make a real difference for black women.