At CCN, we recognise the importance of self-care. Taking care of you. Many of us prioritise our partners, children, parents and even friends before we think about ourselves.  

We strongly advocate that as black women, we dedicate time to self-reflect so we better understand who we are, what is important, what direction we want to go in (personally and professionally) and what barriers may be standing in the way of our aspirations.  

It is time to afford yourself the care and compassion that is so vital to your wellbeing. In our working lives, we may have experienced events that left us feeling like failures. In this emotional conjecture, being kind and compassionate to ourselves isn’t always easy or possible due to the regularly reinforced messages of inadequacy. When we lack confidence, this can often impact our ability to deliver and perform to our full potential.  

We are encouraging our women to replace the self-beating with self-compassion. You are good enough. There are healthy ways to manage and navigate through challenging times. We partner with a number of organisations that support black women, particularly in the professional environment. We aim to help black women build their mental strength to become resilient against the uncontrollable forces that meet us along our journey.  

How do we do this? 

  • Partner with organisations offering a range of health & wellbeing and mindfulness support services 
  • Partner with organisations offering professional training, mentoring, coaching and legal advice support  
  • For our members’ we negotiate discounted rates to reduce any financial barriers that may make these services inaccessible  
  • Through our Everyday Woman section, we share compelling stories of successful black women and their journeys 
  • Signpost our members to a weekly ‘Self-reflection Sunday’ blog that promotes self-care, self-love and mindfulness