How has your working life been?

Has your career gone the way you planned?

We want to hear from you – the good, the bad and the ugly.  

CCN recognises that there is a significant gap in work-related data around women of African and African-Caribbean descent and we have made the conscious decision to uncover these missing and vital statistics.

We have created a detailed survey for black women by black women, with the sole purpose of capturing accurate information in absolute confidence. By obtaining this data, we will be able to really understand the experiences that black women go through across the board in true terms. This information can be used to help organisations to review and reshape their culture, systems and behaviours.

Please grab a cup of tea or coffee and set aside a few minutes to answer our questions. You will be providing us with the kind of insight we need to help women like us be restored to our rightful place in society, be empowered to grow to the next level and see ourselves achieve our hearts desires.

We plan to share our findings in June 2021. To ensure you don’t miss out, please subscribe to our mailing list or become a member of CCN.

Counter-Col Network Survey