Anna Vines comes from the UK and has lived in Sierra Leone for 11 years. She is the Program Director and Physiotherapist for the Enable the Children Program, under World Hope International, leading a team of local and expatriate staff in the therapeutic and psycho-social support of children living with disabilities in Freetown and other parts of the country. 

She first came to Sierra Leone in 2011 to volunteer with Mercy Ships and stayed on after the ship left to continue to support the Sierra Leone National Clubfoot Program. In 2013, she started volunteering for Enable the Children, initially thinking she would be there for 6 months, but she fell in love with the work and so she has continued ever since. As a team, they have served over 3500 children with disabilities since 2013 and have seen many improve through therapy by learning to sit, walk, talk and through psycho-social support, be accepted by those around them. Anna is passionate about the rights of children with disabilities and wants to see them valued, nurtured, and loved in their homes and communities.

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